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Go to your browser download page, then extract the file using your extracting program 4. This is the easiest step to mess up double check yourself on this step. You should be good to play The Clone Wars mod. If you have any questions, please repeat the steps. However, if you would like to i would appreciate it if you check out my channel. I will be posting a Let's Play in this Mod in a few hours. Hopefully you were able to Install the mod no problem.
Have fun with the mod! This item has been added to your Favorites. Created by. The Gingernator Offline. Category: Game Modes , Modding or Configuration. Languages: English. Guide Index. Iceboundsatyr79 13 Mar am.
If you are having trouble with green models, simple fix. Then delete the folder Shaders. R2-D2 and BB-8 are two of the droids which you will be able to tame and keep as loyal companions on your next adventures. This mod has 5 different planets which have just difference about dimensions like the Nether or End in vanilla Minecraft.
The custom mod gives all kind of special loot. In fact, this mod is not totally more content than the other but it is worth to see and try. Mod adds 6 new swords that have so many elements. Each sword has its own special ability, which already captures the spirit, when they do some actions attacks. Each sword can be said a lot, because every sword deserves special attention, there is a sword that, when striking a mob or an animal, makes an explosion.
There is also a very sharp sword that causes a meteorite, it also activates like the previous sword, when it comes into contact with a mob or animal. Also you will meet 3 new bosses who add the Star Wars mod, you will find them in your inventory in creative or with the addon TMI! Download the mod. Download BlockLauncher. We go to the settings BlockLauncher. We go to the folder with the scripts. The mod must be in the. Choose this file.