Those high-caliber rounds come at a cost, however, with lower accuracy than the rest of its class, a tiny eight-round magazine and an aggressive drop-off in effectiveness at range. If you want a light pistol that punches outside its weight class I recommend an Agent Special, unless you really think your pocket piece is going to need the range advantage and twenty-round mag of the Adder.
The question you want to be asking yourself, as a shadowrunner who wants to carry an extremely concealed light pistol on your person, is this: do I want to buy a Puzzler, or a Ghost? The Ghost, meanwhile, is extremely concealable and has some nice recoil compensation from its electronic firing mechanism. It also comes with a smartgun system, which is a damn fine touch. Despite the picture in the book looking like a semi-auto, this is actually a revolver.
Quite a decent one, too. A very nice light pistol hampered by the tiny six-round magazine that sleek, fashionable profile comes at a cost, unfortunately. The important things to note here are the better range than most light pistols, the built-in smartlink and gas vent, and again the lack of extensive ammo capacity. It does less damage, but carries a lot more ammo, and has a built-in point of recoil compensation from the electronic firing system.
Everyone loves the classics. The latest model in the Predator line has the usual inherent smartlink, high-caliber rounds, nice ammo capacity and high price tag—all marks of fine Ares craftsmanship. A sleek, powerful weapon with burst-fire capability making up for poor accuracy. Otherwise, ignore it. Reliable, very accurate heavy pistol. If you want a semi-auto. Its ability to adjust the choke means you also have some options if people are dodging your shots.
This is the fuck you gun. This is Dirty Harry, Hellboy, and every wild west gun bunny that ever made it into legend. Buy a Super Warhawk if you expect to be swaggering a lot. I really like the Guardian. Built-in smartlink, burst-fire, hits hard, inherent recoil comp and an association with high-class VIP protection and noir trids. A serious piece for serious work, and definitely the most aggressive heavy pistol available. Do you want to attract enemy hackers while using a mediocre heavy pistol packed with way more electronics than it needs?
Your bizzare dreams have been answered by Onotari Arms. On the one hand, the Violator does have inherent recoil compensation, but so does the Guardian, and the Guardian can burst-fire. On that first hand again it is very cheap for a gun that comes with a smartlink, but it also comes with an electronic safety and safe-targeting system that is going to be a playground for anyone who gets past your firewall.
If you really want to use a single-action revolver in a world of cyberware and machine guns, you should probably get a Warhawk instead. I like this gun. I like it a lot.
Attaching a shotgun barrel to a pistol is the very definition of punching outside your weight class. Despite the age of this weapon, the Ares Striker is actually quite a good pistol. Same line as the Browning Ghost. This gun is strictly better statwise than the PSK-3 Collapsible, but is less concealable and more expensive.
Your call on which specific attributes of the two guns mean more to you. This is a single-shot break-action pistol that fires rifle rounds.
As an assassination weapon, this punches far outside of its weight class to ensure you get that clean one-shot one-kill opportunity; as a weapon for a serious firefight, look elsewhere. In fourth edition, the Ruger Thunderbolt was the gun to get if you were a serious pistols user.
What the Thunderstruck has over the Guardian is recoil compensation. It starts with three, and you can mod it up from there, letting you build an incomparably easy-to-handle weapon that hits hard and fast. The Thunderstruck is strictly better in some ways, but you can mod a Guardian to be almost as good and keep the ability to fire semi-auto shots instead of only burst-fire.
Remember to mod in some recoil compensation, though—it fires two bullets at once, so your recoil penalties are going to stack up faster than usual. This is what you want when you need a heavier pistol to bring through security with you. If money is no object, get this gun; otherwise, there are better options available, but keep this one in mind for when you get rich. Morrissey makes high-fashion pistols, which really tells you everything you need to know about who might want to carry one.
Same line as the Alta, pretty much. Both of these guns should only be carried by face characters, or people with an interest in high fashion or corporate looks. There are better tools available for everyone else. Despite looking like a flintlock pistol, this weapon is actually a particularly vicious semi-automatic handgun. The flintlock mechanism on the side is just for show; in the grip of this weapon is a twelve-round magazine full of modern high-caliber bullets.
If you want a pistol that doubles as a pretty good knife, then the Praetorian is for you. The Vagabond is a respectable medium-heavy revolver, slotting in nicely between the midweight Cavalier Deputy and the chrome-and-blood madness of the Ruger Super Warhawk. With high damage and better armor piercing than usual for a heavy pistol, the Vagabond has a clear niche that it fills perfectly.
A more expensive but better-quality Puzzler. Not much else to say here. Buy it for your spy kit, if you can afford it. A heavy, reliable revolver with nice accuracy and an electronic ignition mechanism that replaces the classic hammer, as well as a slide mount on top that makes installing a smartgun system a breeze if you want to increase the accuracy even further. This piece is basically an Onotari Arms Vagabond with one more accuracy and one less armor penetration, for just about three times as much nuyen.
Which is a crazy price difference. Buy a Vagabond instead of a Black Moon, and use some of the savings to add on a smartgun system to make up for the difference in accuracy. As compared to the Street Lethal version, this pistol is more accurate but hits a little less hard and costs a lot more. A reasonably priced high-caliber handgun with good accuracy, sizable magazine, and an unfortunate restriction on its burstfire capabilities.
You might want to take into account that every English sourcebook has errata that changes burst fire pistols to not require complex actions to use burst fire, and apply that here as well, in which case the Secura II becomes a much better weapon. A lighter and much older heavy pistol, not as good as the more-recent Predator V but decently cheaper. Which is pretty neat, if you care about that sort of thing. Everyone else should just get a modern weapon, though.
Cheap, reliable ghetto-trash. This is what your professional room-clearer is going to be using. An accurate hunting weapon, not a gun for real combat. The premier combat shotgun. This is basically an Enfield with a larger drum, extensive recoil compensation and full-auto capability. Not much else to be said here. When you want to rock and roll, this is your instrument. Another full-auto shotty, more accurate than the AA but without the option of a drum magazine.
This gun is meant to hose down one target and then either switch to another gun or duck back to reload. Which might not be so bad, if you like to swap ammo types a lot, and at least the included smartlink makes ejecting spent magazines easier.
It does have a smartlink and shock pad for pretty cheap, which is nice. A basic, solid shotty waiting for you to mod it to greatness. An inexpensive shotty that hits as hard as a military weapon, but is legal to own, with its only real downside being the abysmal accuracy. Get this instead. Double-barreled, so you only get two shots, but that sweet accuracy means you can make those count. A professional will probably want a heavier tool, but if you need to pose as a high society gamesman the Model is a damn fine piece to bring along for the ride.
Low accuracy, low damage for a shotgun, anyway, which is to say it still hits hard and a very slow lever-action mechanism. Get this along with a Future Frontier revolver to complete your cowboy costume: otherwise, skip it. Put it in the rack above the door on your rigger van and forget about it until the shit hits the fan. Another weird stacked-barrel gun from Shiawase Arms. It has the same stats as a T, except for some recoil comp from the stock. If you want to make a statement about how much you trust your firewall, be my guest, but a wireless shotgun is a pretty stupid way of doing that.
If you want what the Northstar can give you, buy an Enfield AS-7 with a drum magazine and give it the ammo skip mod from Hard Targets. The shotgun portion of this weapon is terrible, and the hammer portion is only okay. The SPX2 is a better version of the Defiance T Short, with increased damage and a smaller profile that is much more easily concealed.
For only 25 more nuyen, too, which is one hell of a bargain. If you use longarms you definitely want to get one of these or a Pressure KS-X to act as your backup piece. This is a nice one. The six-round magazine makes the burstfire option kind of laughable, and the range is nothing to write home about, but this is still a silenced shotgun that you can hide in a coat pocket, which I have to imagine would come as a hell of a surprise to whoever you pull it on.
A traditional double-barreled shotgun, for your old-school hunter types. A somewhat less conventional triple-barreled shotgun, with the third high-caliber barrel attached underneath the other two. Useful for brief surprise attacks, but not something to carry in a serious firefight. This is a basic, no-frills professional sniper rifle. Scope, shock-absorbent stock and beautiful reliability. This is basically a cut-down, long-range assault rifle, and should be used as such.
If you want to transition between assault and sniping roles, then this is your tool, right up until you can get your hands on a JP-K Personally, I like the Crockett. If you want to work as an assassin, you want this gun. The SM-5 is the classic rifle in a briefcase, carried by true professionals. This is your disguise gun. This is the downscale model of the Remington If you can actually get this behemoth of a weapon into a position where you can viably use it, then rest assured you are going to wipe the floor with anything that you point it at.
Finally, Onotari Arms does something right, even if only by accident. The JP-K50 was originally designed as a dragon-killer, and despite failing at that goal it still has that history of durability and high firepower. I could see a ganger in a street scum game doing some good work with this one. The worst true sniper rifle of the lot, and also the cheapest, this Russian classic gets nano-printed in back alley machine shops a lot, making it a nice throwaway weapon for long-range assassinations.
The PSG Enforcer is surprisingly cheap for what that nuyen buys you. Security teams looking to have a bit of versatility probably have some of these on hand. This is a sniper rifle in a briefcase that cannot be detected by any modern sensor.
This is the sort of weapon you build a character around, or acquire only after a long and successful career. These are only found in the Gun H e aven 3 supplement. The is essentially one piece of metal, barely any moving parts, hardcore reliable and is the unchallenged god of accuracy.
Accurate, elegant boom-boom. The M1A is basically a better version of the Winchester for cheaper, and without a scope. Unlike most sporting rifles this one has an external magazine, with a reasonable amount of bullets in it.
It hits hard and accurately, and overall is a damn fine weapon for the money. Do not purchase this weapon as anything other than a joke. That said, putting one of these on a drone to take advantage of the sensor accuracy would be pretty entertaining. Or musket balls, in this case. This is a weak, less accurate hunting rifle with a basic scope and inexplicably high armor penetration.
This rifle is bolt action, which means single-shot only, but that and the low ammo capacity are the only real downsides. The scope is excellent, accuracy could be better but is decent enough, and the price tag is low. If you have almost no money and really need a sniping weapon, I could see this getting some hopefully very brief use before you get something better.
Lower caliber than most, but easy handling and burst-fire capability makes the Valiant a popular choice. Inaccurate, expensive and powerful as all hell. A high-tech gun from Shiawase Arms, the Nemesis is expensive, hard to find and surprisingly accurate for a machine gun. Cheap, cheap, cheap! Thank you, Krime, for your perpetual dedication to the field of heavy weapons. The new suppression rules offered in Street Lethal for miniguns make even the low-damage Triple-Dwarf exceptionally useful, for when you want to absolutely coat an area in saturation fire.
Bring along a Krime Pack for extra ammo or mount on a drone with some deep ammo bins for maximum effect. This is your basic medium machine-gun. If you want to mount a machine gun on a vehicle or drone, the Stoner-Ares M is one I would highly recommend, since the lack of inherent modifications means it comes at a reasonable price for a heavy weapon.
Expensive, but it hits like a truck and has very nice handling, especially if you set it up on the tripod. The ad copy mentions that this is commonly seen mounted on vehicles, and if you want a hard-hitting automatic for that role than this is certainly a good contender.
I would not recommend using them on any drone other than a Steel Lynx or something similar that has some survivability—putting this on a rotodrone is just going to see you lose more cash when it gets shot down—but it would make a grand addition to your team getaway vehicle.
Good accuracy and some recoil compensation make the Ultimax MMG not the worst choice in the world, certainly, but there are better guns. Instead of buying this gun, I suggest modding a M to get a gun with more armor penetration for cheaper. This is very much a gun that you will not be personally carrying around. This weapon looks really, really slick. Just be aware of the low accuracy, and consider putting a smartlink on it—cannon ammo is too expensive to waste on missed shots.
THE get fucked gun. Accurate thanks to the smartlink, hits like a truck and with a very deep magazine, anything that gets touched by the Panther is going to be straight-up gone once the smoke clears.
Use it as an anti-vehicle weapon; the Panther is overkill for pretty much everything else. Now, this is a nice one. This is less a weapon and more a lifestyle decision.
The main reason to get the Ogre Hammer, though, is the electronics—it comes with an advanced safety, internal commlink, and a scope with all kinds of enhancements on it. A decent, low-cost assault cannon, though not as cheap as the Krime Cannon. Very accurate, but for most people the cheaper Krime Cannon is going to be a better choice.
Also, will you be producing more Shadowrun Armory materials, like articles on armor, drones or cyberdecks? So things have been a bit busier than when I first posted the Armory. Note that the Ares Sigma 3 has a drum for ammo. With Hard Targets you can add a ammo skip system. Lots of interesting possibilities there. That definitely makes the Sigma-3 a lot more interesting. Gotten a lot of mileage with full-auto suppressive SnS with my mage.
The Praetor is very much Forbidden, so I guess it had that going for it, but everything else was a match. You could use the new modifications in Hard Targets to make it even more concealable, as well, which would let you bring a round SMG pretty much anywhere if you wear a big enough coat. Yeah only an accuracy of 6, however, using handload EXEX ups its base damage to 16, just one DV shy of a Panther Cannon but with burst fire capability to cut down that dodge pool.
Great intimidation weapon in the right hands. Oh and that Remington , load it with handload APDS and -9 AP is not to shabby especially in the hands of a character with a decent pool and a total accuracy of 10 from mods. Works well for my cowgirl adept who can usually one shot most targets in non-hardened armour from a good distance.
Another benefit to this is that, as an assault rifle, attaching it to a vehicle or drone would only require a Standard Weapon Mount, meaning that you can easily slap two of these pups on a vehicle instead of only having one LMG. Still, that does give you some hefty firepower for cheap. Simply amazing write up. The few guns in Cutting Aces hardly seem worth it. They have prices and rarities to let us get them, even if they are stupid rare and expensive, but kind of plays that you have to kill some CorpSec to get them in the first place.
Just not sure why they keep coming up. Lots of people playing face characters, I guess. That big machine gun is the best heavy weapon in the game right now, barring none—better even than any of the cannons.
People deserve to know about that shit. DPH , 3 years ago. Still seems odd how the Fubuki got a fanbase. Yeah, Kill Code just might be the most tongue in cheek rulebook ever.
Just added a few guns from Cutting Aces. I noticed another one missing, but it might be a case of who cares. The Winchester Model from Gun Heaven 3. Also, if you want them, I bought some of the enhanced fiction books, and they have additional weapons and ammo at the end. Not a particularly good weapon, is it? If you have almost no money and really need a sniping weapon, I could see this getting some brief use before you get something better. I only vaguely remember the enhanced fiction books.
Is there a way to get just the gear from them? The only reason I asked is cause a player of mine wanted to use it with pistol ammo based on comments in the book. I allowed it, but only with cased light pistol ammo. Definitely has to be cased ammo, I agree with that.
My email is adam carpeomnis. Plus it does less damage than a Ruger Super Warhawk, so I declared it a light pistol caliber. Of course! I probably ought to, now that you mention it.
It has a smartgun system, but it comes off as more a crutch for its petty accuracy, as well as makes it vulnerable to deckers bricking it. At that point, get either a taser or a small handgun holdout, light pistol or Morrissey Elite with capsule rounds.
In my honest opinion, get the Nitama Sporter. However, in-universe, they treat it as an actual professional firearm, that bodyguards use this trash as a legit weapon. I do agree that the Savalette Guardian is a far superior weapon, but that has good stats and in-game lore that matches. Now, after some thinking, I found ONE possible use for the You get a Advanced safety system with the explosive self destruct option, keep the gun unloaded or have some explosive rounds it so as to have a possible chain reaction , and leave it behind so that some poor dope picks it up.
The 5e core book says that SMGs can take top- and barrel-mounted accessories. Seems pretty clear. All this implies that the limitations on SMGs are meant for accessories, not mods. All of the items in Hard Targets are listed as weapon modifications, not accessories. So presumably, ammo skip can be applied to an SMG. Side note- the Gatling Suppression rules in Street Lethal also apply to the Ares HVAR, making it the only Automatics weapon capable of extra-wide suppression, as well as the only such weapon available at chargen.
Even more utility for it, aside from the fact that it still uses a proprietary blend of harsh language and spitballs for ammo. I somehow missed that capability on the HVAR. The main selling point is its legality, which until recently is hard to match The Blaser R11 Conqueror definitely gives it a run for its money though. But it makes cruising through border checkpoints much easier than with a heavier gun, especially if they are packing MAD scanners.
Break it down, and it fits in a backpack and you can explain it away when just carrying it around. Statistically if you have the dicepool to hit reliably, you are going to hit about as hard as an Alpha, which isnt too shabby. Definitely not the gun to use when you can bring whatever you want to the table, but it has its niche I feel. Plus it comes with a complimentary scope that would otherwise run you a cool thousand nuyen all by itself, which is a very nice touch.
There are some notable things though, with the Springfield M1A that makes it a sidegrade to the , not an upgrade. That will last you for 5 Initiative passes, and if you have gear access and 5 AGI, you can fully reload it with a simple action while still having another simple to shoot, so you never actually miss out on an attack. It uses an internal clip, instead of a magazine. The difference between the two rifles is really, -2 dodge penalty, or -3 more AP. In addition, its a simple to fire a bolt action, as opposed to a complex for a semi auto triple tap, so its definitely a trade off.
You make a lot of very good points. Rawr , 2 years ago. It costs 8. Adam , 2 years ago. Hey, Adam, I just had a quick question for you. Do you have any plans to give your opinions on the melee weapons of the SR universe, or do you generally shun the usage of melee weapons, above just keeping them as a last-ditch? I avoided writing up a post on melee weapons because I was, for a while, writing a book for Catalyst Labs expanding the melee weapon options in fifth edition.
It was supposed to be a PDF-only supplement similar to the Gun H e aven books, and had a bunch of new items and a modding system for melee weapons. So now that you mention it, yeah, I should probably get around to writing that melee weapons post…. Would they be better than the Gauss Rifle? Plus if you have Longarms you have a delightful variety of shotguns available as well, some of which can be concealed, for backup firepower.
Looking at them now, I think these are way more specialized than you might be thinking. The real thing that kills them as a sniper weapon, though, is the special range table—the long range on even the Puncher Long Rifle, the longest-range variety, only reaches as far as the short range increment on a sniper rifle.
You can reach a lot further at extreme range, yes, but when a sniper rifle can take shots at most reasonable engagement ranges with much lower range penalties then I start to question why you have the overpenetration weapon. Try to get an unreasonable amount of dice on your shooting rolls. So, if I use a Terracota with Depleted Uranium that should be enough for most sniper assassination runs? Build from a thousand kilometers of flesh and steel. It writhes in the passions of those who live in it.
Everyone and everything is connected here; there are no accidents. Talk a walk down any street and read the writing on the wall: Sprawl Sites is a sourcebook for Shadowrun, First Edition, and includes hundreds of encounters of every type, from blood-crazed gangs and mystic magicians to mild-mannered Orks and back-stabbing Corporate Cops. Your Shadowrun campaign will never be the same. Magic has returned to the world, and with it has come all manner of beasts.
Genetic material, long dormant with the absence of magic, has been reactivated, transforming mundane animals into creatures once believed supernatural, even mythical. Juggernauts rome the plains, Firedrakes infest the woods, Leviathans swim in the oceans, and Devil Rats now hunt Man in the shattered Sprawls that he has created. Included with each entry are illustrations, physical descriptions, feeding habits, magical abilities, range, and safety tips for runners.
Shadowrunners like us need to keep up with the latest developments. Who are the Clans? Where do they come from? What do they really want? The Wolf Clan Sourcebook reveals the history, culture, and military capabilities of the Wolves, one of the premier Clans. A must for any BattleTech fan.
Davion planned to lure a couple Kurita regiments onto Galtor with rumors of a newly discovered Star League storehouse and then ambush the Kurita forces with his own secret reinforcements. Everything went according to plan until five rgiments landed and Davion engineers discovered a real Star League installation. Soon Davion units were fighting for their very existence. This BattleForce scenario set includes a detailed history of the three-month campaign, orders of battle for the units involved and eight scenarios that recreate the pivotal battles.
The Clans From beyond known space come the Clans…hightech barbarians bring war and destruction to the Inner Sphere. The Jade Falcons were one of the fiercest and most brutal of these Clans. Preying on the Federated Commonwealth, they mercilessly slaughtered its defending forces.
The most successful of the Jade Falcons forces were the Falcon Guards. Led by Star Colonel Adler Malthus, the guards amassed an incredible string of victories. Their fate was to end up buried under tons of rock, entombed forever by Leftenant Kai Allard, giving the Federated Commonwealth its first victory over the Clans. This scenario pack recreats the battles for Twycross, with 15 BattleTech scenarios and 1 BattleForce scenario, following the Falcon Guaards from their greatest success to their final stand.
The Future of Warfare! The year is and war has ravaged the thousands of worlds of the Inner Sphere for centuries. Successor Lords send clashing armies to conquer their neighbors and re-establish the long-lost Star League. Though the BattleMech is the king of the battlefield, it is supported by a much vaster array of conventional vehicles that fight every where from premier border worlds to the back waters of beyond. When in the hands of an experienced field commander, even a BattleMech must be leery when facing a company of tanks.
This revised edition of the original Technical Readout: features the most common military vehicles of the Succession Wars. Additionally, this volume contains nineteen vehicles, aerospace fighters, DropShips and JumpShips mentioned in the fictional context of the BattleTech universe but never before presented in a technical readout.
In this ongoing conflict, the mercenary soldier has ample opportunity to seek his fortune under the banner of one of the Great Houses—a career fraught with danger but rich in potential rewards. Commentary and views on the Succession Wars mercenary provide a solid background for gamers who need to learn the basics of the business of war, while game rules translate these ideas into simple systems for creating a merc outfit, finding and signing with employers, and resolving ane entire military campaign.
Pirate or Merc? Kell Hounds. Northwind Highlanders. Blue Star Irregulars. Literally a thousand and one mercenary units populate the Inner Sphere, yet these are the house hold names that capitivate the common man.
But for every top, there is a bottom. Kraken Unleashed. Life hard exists at all! Additional rules for mercenary creation include non-BattleMech Unit Tech Levels, special renegade and freelancer mercenary paths, as well as rules for playing mercenaries in different BattleTech eras, from the Star League, to the Succession Wars, to the present.
Shift Into High Gear! Rediscovered Star League technology gives the Inner Sphere a new edge on the battlefield! Maximum Tech brings BattleTech players into this brave new world of warfare, where thinking on your feet can win the day. Maximum Tech is packed with dozens of Level Three optional rules, including new weapons and equipment for Inner Sphere anc Clan forces; expanded rules for vehicles and infantry; double-bline rules; revised and expanded artillery rules; and much more!
This revised edition of Maximum Tech has been updated for use with the BattleTech Master Rules as well as incorporating the units presented in the Technical Readout: and Record Sheets: into the Battle Value units table. For a year, the winds of chaos have scoured the Inner Sphere, as terrorism and weapons of mass destruction are used on a scale not seen since the A Foul Wind Blows!
First Succession War. Confusion reigns, and each faction finds itself isolated amid its own turmoil. All seems lost. Yet as a new decade dawns, glimpses of the greater whole begin to appear through the dark clouds. The true battle has only just begun…. Jihad Hot Spots: continues the stunning events revealed in Dawn of the Jihad, using the same rolling format and immersing readers directly in the action as never before. Truth—or Smoke and Mirrors?
Order of Cincinnatus. Irian Corporate Cabal. Behind the House thrones and Clan Halls, a hundred or more such secret organizations wield immense power. Insinuating their influence into every level of society and government, from the Magistracy of Canopus to the Clan homeworlds, these hidden power brokers can make life difficult for the average Joe, or shake the very foundations of the Inner Sphere.
Interstellar Players describes the most powerful and influential people, organizations and entities behind the scenes of the Classic BattleTech universe. Gamemasters and players can decide which of these power brokers are real and which are paranoid fantasies.
Let your imaginations run wild! Wings of the Eagle! Now, led by the strongest Captain-General in half a millennium, House Marik has stretched its wings, pushing the shadows of its influence across the Inner Sphere. Both by its revitalzied military and an economic might that challenges even the ages-old dominance of House Steiner, the eagle soars proudly, as do the people who wave its banner. Review the Troops For five long years the Inner Sphere has known war on a scale not seen in centuries, with the militaries of literally every faction involved in combat to one extent or another.
Now, as relative peace appears to be settling over the Inner Sphere, a review of the military forces of the BattleTech universe are in order. Each entry includes an illustration of the ship as well as detailed descriptions and statistics. Operations Manual The Operations Manual includes essays on the designs of DropShips and JumpShips, descriptions of the general components of each type of vessel, and extensive game rules covering all aspects of their operation and maintenance.
November saw the culmination of work two centuries in the making, work begun by Primus Conrad Toyama of ComStar, successor to Jerome Blake and the man responsible for single-handedly turning ComStar into a pseudo-religious organization with a vision: to lead mankind to the light…by any means necessary. When the Star League self-destructs, a shadowy power behind the fanatical Word of Blake pulls the strings taut in righteous anger, launching a war to bring humanity to its knees.
But amidst the chaos and confusion swirling across a thousand light years, all is not as it appears. Dawn of the Jihad shakes the Classic BattleTech universe to its foundation, documenting the opening year in a decades-long struggle for the very survival of humanity.
The series of events presented in this book unfold in a rolling format, allowing readers to immerse themselves more directly into the action than ever before. Now It Can Be Told! ComStar single-handedly stopped the Clan invasion, then failed in its attempt to take control of the Inner Sphere. Now the organization responsible for keeping the Inner Sphere together has split into two factions. It includes new BattleMechs from both groups, and an 8-page color section featuring ComStar and Word of Blake uniforms, insignia, and equipment.
The year is The Fourth Succession War has been over for 20 years. Houses Steiner and Davion gradually merge to form the Federated Commonwealth. In an unexpected show of strength, the Combine military, under Theodore Kurita, stops the Federated Commonwealth invasion of cold. Romano Liao fends off a Canopus-Andurien invasion and rebuilds the Capellan Confederation from the ashes left by her demented father. Dont think of your character as twenty years older…think of his on as being ready for battle.
Strap yourself into the ultimate suit of armor—the BattleMech. Thirty feet tall and weighing up to a tons, this humanoid engine of destruction is a walking arsenal, with enough firepower to level a city block. The Classic BattleTech game system takes you into the world of the 31st Century, where war has become a way of life as vast empires and tiny factions battle for control of humankind.
In command of the most powerful machine on the battlefield, your MechWarrior fights to take a planet or end an empire.
All you need to provide is your imagination and two six-sided dice! Each day brings a new surprise. Will you transform into a genetic changeling or fall prey to a doomsday cult? Will you be in Denver when the dragon runs amok or in Japan when the Ring of Fire deals death to the Empire? Year of the Comet is intended for gamemasters and players of all experience levels. Cyberware can increase your speed, enhance your strength and sharpen your reflexes. It can put a computer in your head, armor under your skin and weapons in your arms.
Street Magic is the advanced magic rulebook for Shadowrun, Fourth Edition. It provides background details on everything known to magic in the year , from the nature of mana and astral space to and its effects on society and the Awakened. It also contains advanced rules for magic traditions and groups, initiation and metamagic, enchanting, and new spells and adept powers.
Street Magic contains everything the players and gamemasters need for magic in Shadowrun. This edition of Technical Readout: Vehicle Annex has been superceded by a revised edition, found here. We decided to leave this version active for the completists out there, but do be aware of the new version. MechWarriors receive all the glory; aerospace fighter pilots a close second; vehicles are considered the workhorses of any military; infantry are even given their day in the sun in the minds of the common citizen.
But no battle could be waged, nor won, without the mammoth apparatus of support vehicles that feed the war machines of the Great Houses.