Stolen images: pagan symbolism and christianity free download

Trappist Monks, famous for their contemplative silence, follow the Scriptures so that the voice of the world might be shut out and the voice of God might be heard.

Pythagoreans from around B. And the priestess-guardians of the sacred Roman fire, the Vestal Virgins, lived in silence for years at a time. Vidar, son of Odin was the Norse god of silence and there was a minor Roman goddess of silence called Muta, from which we get the word 'mute'.

Songs in the form of chants, poems, and later as hymns , cantatas, anthems, oratorios or motets, are useful mnemonic methods. Singing makes us feel hearty and that's why we sing; whether it's a chant or any other form.

Singing helps us feel young and energetic, even if we're not very proficient. Singing helps relieve tension. Singing is therapeutic. Communal singing turns an audience into participants. Chanting has never been restricted to Christianity — Pagans used it as part of their worship too. Like the word Glory , chants are not even restricted to religion.

They are used by squads of jogging soldiers, team-sports players in training, supporters at a match, cheerleaders, political convention crowds, children singing the Alphabet song and reciting nursery rhymes not unlike political convention crowds.

One particular type of Christian hymn is called a carol , which is sung at Christmas time ; another custom with Pagan roots:. Christmas is one of the biggest events on the Christian calendar, yet the customs we associate with the event are steeped in Paganism. Man has prayed to the nature gods for millennia; it was certainly not a new invention for Christianity.

And it was natural, like all the things listed above, for Christians to adopt this form of communication with their God.

Amen in Hebrew. Even Amen , the very last word in the Bible, most probably has Pagan roots. Yet Christians, Jews and Muslims end their prayers , Scripture readings , and hymns by saying "Amen" as an expression of concurrence. And this raises the question: "So what? Isn't it possible that God inspired such rituals and designs through ancient religious practices as part of His plan to prefigure; to prepare humans for the great sacrifice of Jesus?

The previously-mentioned work Ancient Pagan and Modern Christian Symbolism is just one of many books that can distract our attention from more important things; you know, the things that Jesus taught, such as loving our neighbour and praising God. God is pleased to see love and goodness, no matter what rites or symbols we feel most comfortable and effective in using to attain those goals. Chamberlain, Houston Stewart Foundations of the XIXth Century. London: John Lane. Christian: Name given to the early disciples by Pagans.

Lyman Coleman. Huntington: , "Civilizations Never Clash. Ignorance Does Clash" Prof. Eiji Hattori: All are equal in the eyes of God. We are all sinners. Acts 10 , 17 ; Rom.

Sixth Commandment: Exod. First Commandment: Exod. Muslims similarly understand the Qur'an to forbid images of Muhammad, and yet there are many such examples in public institutions in Istanbul, Vienna, and other places. Silence: Prov. Customs and traditions Other customs and traditions Pagan customs used in Christianity Is the Bible pagan?

Prayer Amen God Bless America? Right on! Challenges for the faithful Lucky 7 The clock's ticking Pagan items adopted by Christianity Temples and robes, crosses and chants, form an important part of Christian worship, yet their origins are far from Christian. Days, Months, Seasons. Valentine's Day.

In fact, the literary similarities between the Egyptian religion and the Christian religion are staggering. The plagiarism is continuous. The story of Noah and the Ark is taken directly from the traditions. The concept of a Great Flood is common throughout the ancient world, with over different cited claims in different periods and times. However, one needs look no further for a pre-Christian source than the Epic of Gilgamesh, written in b.

In this story is told of a Great Flood commanded by God, an Ark with saved animals on it, and even the release and return of a dove, all held in common with the biblical story, among many other similar occurrences. Then there is the plagiarized story of Moses.

He was later rescued by a daughter of a king and raised by her as a Prince. This baby in a basket story was lifted directly from the myth of Sargon of Akkad of around b. Sargon was born, placed in a reed basket in order to avoid infanticide, and set adrift in a river.

He was in turn rescued and raised by Akki, a royal mid-wife. Furthermore, Moses is known as the giver of the Ten Commandments. However, the idea of a Law being passed from God to a prophet on a mountain is also a very old motif. Moses is just a law giver in a series of law givers in mythological history. In India, Manou was the great law giver. While in Egypt there was Mises, who carried stone tablets and upon them the laws of god were written. In fact, the Egyptian religion is likely the primary foundational basis for the Judeo-Christian theology.

Baptism, afterlife, final judgment, virgin birth and resurrection, crucifixion, the Ark of the Covenant, circumcision, saviors, Holy Communion, the great flood, Easter, Christmas, Passover, and many more, are all attributes of Egyptian ideas, long predating Christianity and Judaism. However, Justin had a solution, as far as he was concerned, the Devil did it. The Devil had the foresight to come before Christ, and create these characteristics in the Pagan world.

The Bible is just but an astro-theological literary fold hybrid, just like nearly all religious myths before it. Joseph was a prototype for Jesus. Joseph was born of a miracle birth; Jesus was born of a miracle birth. Joseph was of 12 brothers, Jesus had 12 disciples. Joseph was sold for 20 pieces of silver; Jesus was sold for 30 pieces of silver.

Joseph began his work at the age of 30; Jesus began his work at the age of The parallels go on and on. At the time of Jesus, the Mediterranean world was ruled by the Roman Empire. The Romans were pagans, who had their own gods namely; Jupiter, Venus, Mercury and so on. The names of these gods have survived to date in the names of the planets, the days of the week, names of months and general linguistic usage. The other cultures in the area also had their own gods and goddesses, who corresponded more or less to the Roman pantheon.

Greek was the language of culture in the Middle East; the main centre was Alexandria in Egypt and the Roman world was one in which trade and religion passed rapidly between the cities and towns along the marvello. Celebrating the Solstice was forbidden by the Church, but many customs survived anyway. This effectively transformed the Pagan occasion into a Christian holy day holiday. There is no historical evidence to prove what date Jesus was born on, or the season, or even the year.

But after many years of calculation, contemplation and argument, 25th December was assigned. Conclusion Paganism has a wider influence on our lives than we might care to think. Take for example, the simple wedding ring. This has profound Pagan origins yet is considered an essential part of the wedding ceremony by many Christians.

Question: Which pagan symbol could I use to rid my home and body of evil spirits? Answer: A pentacle is often used in the protection of all types. While not strictly pagan the hamsa hand and evil eye are also common protection symbols.

If you are interested in crystals, there are several that are thought effective in protection including black tourmaline, black onyx, and smoky quartz. Cleansing the area or yourself with smoke can also help. Question: Is there any sigil that kind of looks like a V sideways, open to the right. Sort of like an open ended triangle? Answer: Sigils are very individual as they are created by individuals and so the designs vary greatly.

I want to know if you are selling stuff on this or are you selling in books to do with pagan symbols and rituals and what they actually mean cos I am interested I'm not a religious person I take bits and pieces from all other religions suited for myself I want to see what paganism has for me and what I can offer me I'm very open minded person yeah interested to learn. Christopher the pentacle is not the five wounds of Christ the pentacle was around when Wicca was around and Wicca is older then Christianity.

Renee Henricks; There is no one Book of Shadows. Each tradition maintains their own book of shadows based on their traditions. Each individual may also maintain their own book detailing not only their traditional path but individual actions, spells and rituals that pertain only to them.

Many are solitary practitioners and do not subscribe to any one tradition. So Each 'Book Of Shadows' is unique. Hope his helps. Really interesting and explains so much. By far one of the most helpful to someone exploring new aspects of life and callings. Hecate relates to my name, glad to know a little more. Thank you for sharing your knowledge.

The eye of horus left eye the eye of Ra right eye you have both right eyes to represent 2 different Gods.. I appreciate the symbols and their explanations. Easy to understand. Some that I have never seen before. Quite interesting. Thanks much, really helps. Okay, I have had a triquetra tattoo for a long time and just noticed that it's upside down!

What does it mean when it's upside down? I can't find much about it and would really appreciate an informed opinion. Most interesting. I knew some of the actual symbols, but not all of their meanings or history.

It was interesting to learn those bits. I love all this stuff and I'm copying all these symbols into a blank book so I can memorise them and gain more knowledge on witchcraft and paganism.

I am interested in learnering more about wicca and paganism and what is the difference between them. I was raised church of christ and was forced to go but never felt right about it like I was lost and didn't agree with what they said but feel like I am looking for something that is more and really feel like I belong there and apart of..

Awesome information!!! I've been looking for this and finally stumbled here. Thanks for sharing!!! Great page. Very interesting! I've seen a few of these symbols around but didn't really know much about them.

This'll be a handy reference. Very well done. I've landed twice on your site now while looking for information on Pagan Spiritualism. Thanks you for taking the time to put this together for those that are seeking. Wonderful article. Very, very well done and so informative. I love so many of these symbols and several are near and dear to me. Fantastic work! I like the concise manner in which you wrote this. I knew most of them, but I only work with some of them.

It's always good to learn more! Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I found this a very enjoyable introductory article on the subject! Simple enough for children to understand and historically sound. Good job! Good article. Triskele represented their identity of Kuru region. Whether the symbols spread from one place to another is an issue of debate, but it throws light on the ancient mind sets.

Hi, Elderberry Arts. That is very appreciated. You have a safe, successful day. Nice read here. Very well-written. Professional usage of graphics and text. I admire your talent. I cordially invite you to visit my hubs, read one or two, and be one of my followers. I would love that. Thank you for your interesting comment and the additional information. I know that I have learnt so much and met with people I would not have had the opportunity too if it had not been for the internet.

Nice short descriptions of some of the modern pagan symbolism. The triquetra was used in the s as one of the core symbols for the Aquarian or 'new age' movement and is used still currently in a subtle way to indicate allegiance to those ideas to the baby boomer generation familiar with the symbol. Specifically the pro new age book The Aquarian Conspiracy made the symbol popular by having it be the core image on the book's cover which is still in print and has been translated into just about every major language.

The book promotes the idea that people in all walks of life who hold new age beliefs need to find ways to covertly communicate with others, i. Many famous people, like VP Al Gore, are on record as having been influenced by the book. Nice Hub. Many people think these symbols have something to do with the devil. Jewish people have the star of David which was David's shield and stands for the six days of creation and the very center is the seventh day of rest.

It is also accused of belonging to the devil. What a great guide to common symbols. So many people have the wrong idea about so many symbols.

Excellent hub! I learned a lot from this hub and really enjoyed it. You are a fabulous resource for Pagan wisdom. I would be happy to try. Can you email me a photo of the holder to elderberryarts ymail.


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