Call the DownloadCampaignsByCampaignIds operation if the account contains more than four million keywords. Calling the DownloadCampaignsByAccountIds operation with an account that contains more than four million keywords will fail.
Calling the DownloadCampaignsByCampaignIds operation with an account that contains more than eight million keywords will fail. Requests that specify fewer campaigns per call typically complete sooner than calls that specify the maximum number allowed.
The file size limit for upload in production is MB and up to 4 million rows. For Sandbox the limit is 20K rows. For information about the schema you should use for the upload file, see Bulk File Schema. Set the AccountId element of the GetBulkUploadUrl request to the account identifier corresponding to the data that will be uploaded.
Set the ResponseMode element of the GetBulkUploadUrl request to specify whether the service should return errors and their corresponding data, or only the errors in the results file.
For more information, see ResponseMode. The ZIP file must be properly structured, including an end of central directory record. You must also set the user credentials via the AuthenticationToken header element. Check the HTTP response status code. If the HTTP response status code is , then authentication failed e. AuthenticationToken or DeveloperToken was invalid. Here is an example error response message that the URL had already been used to upload a bulk file.
While the upload is pending, you may call the GetBulkUploadStatus operation in a loop until the upload completes or fails.
You have fifteen minutes to download the upload results file from the time you submit the upload request. If you have not successfully downloaded the file within this period, it is removed from the download site and it may not be retrieved. If you miss this window of opportunity, you could call one of the download operations to get the latest entity data. Use the URL to copy the results file locally. The format of the upload result file will be either Csv or Tsv , and will match the format of the file that you submitted for upload.
Large files can degrade the upload performance. It is optional and recommended that the file be compressed for upload. If compressed it must be formatted as ZIP with the corresponding extension. If you can limit concurrent uploads per customer below 5 or 6, then consider splitting the file rather than approaching the file size limit.
Limit concurrent uploads to 5 or 6 per customer to upload files in parallel. Wait on each thread until the previous file was processed, and then you can reuse the thread to upload another file. For example, one thread can upload a file and after the upload status is either Completed , CompletedWithErrors , or Failed that thread can upload another file.
Upload only the entities and fields that you are adding or updating. If supplied, read-only fields such as bid suggestions and quality score data will be ignored. Upload one entity type per file to maximize performance. There are some exceptions e. As another example, if you are only updating 10 campaigns, ads, and keywords, then you can include them in one upload rather than splitting uploads per type. Consider whether or not you should synchronize the results with your local data.
For partial retry attempts, do not upload the entire file if only a subset of the records resulted in errors. Only upload the records that you want to retry. If by chance performance does not meet expectations, please wait for the result anyways. Poll for upload results at reasonable intervals. Initially you should wait one minute for every 10K rows uploaded.
After the initial wait time, consider polling in one minute intervals. Skip to main content. This browser is no longer supported. Download Microsoft Edge More info. Contents Exit focus mode. Please rate your experience Yes No.
Any additional feedback? Important New record types rows and fields columns may be added anytime, and you should not depend on record or field order in the bulk download or bulk upload results file. Used by 25, Users Reviews. Bulk Media Downloader extension is a lightweight alternative to media grabbing extensions like FlashGot or Flash video Downloader extension. It grabs and downloads all sort of media resources in bulk.
You can filter different types to prevent cluttering the grabber window. It also has a pause button to stop appending more resources. Note that network observer is only active when the grabber window is open, hence this extension has no effect on your browser performance when the grabber window is closed.
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