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Mabuse , The Testament of Dr. For subtitles, in the video player click CC, then select the language. Reviewer: ww2truth - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - October 26, Subject: Excellent Collection of Third Reich Cinema!!
First of all, thank your for putting the collection together. I am going to make a page on my website devoted to this soon: ww2truth. The reason why no one knows about these films is because they show Germans as kind, compassionate, caring people, and that does not fit with the false script of the Germans as "evil Nazis". Best of times. An upload worthy of a king. Reviewer: Ehrblut - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - January 31, Subject: Hartelijk dank uit Holland!
Moge God u belonen! Eindelijk films die gezondheid bevorderen in plaats van ziekte! Reviewer: Gerardh8fcc - favorite favorite favorite favorite favorite - January 29, Subject: Preserve these at all cost A beautiful collection of what Germany once but will always be in spirit.
Fuck the slithering serpent jew your days will be numbered one day. Sieg heil! Reviewer: Nerble - favorite favorite favorite favorite - January 10, Subject: Interesting Films I'm happy to find these and I appreciate their availability. Its not easy to find films from this time period in Germany, whether they're Nazi propaganda or not.
I don't believe in censorship, so its nice to see at least some other people share that view. I wouldn't all these 'great' films. A few were quite good and had nothing to do with propaganda, but most of them were about as subtle as a hammer to the skull. Reviewer: Gov Bud Hudnut - - December 29, Subject: no rating possible This is a valuable collection of films ranging from the anodyne musicals, frothy romances, comedies to the utterly despicable and inhuman- Nazi propaganda of the coarsest quality.
This item does not appear to have any files that can be experienced on Archive. Please download files in this item to interact with them on your computer. Show all files. Uploaded by Zacharie Grossen on December 20, Internet Archive's 25th Anniversary Logo. Search icon An illustration of a magnifying glass. User icon An illustration of a person's head and chest. Sign up Log in. Web icon An illustration of a computer application window Wayback Machine Texts icon An illustration of an open book.
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