Faster than light infinite space mod download

Global Achievements. Talio View Profile View Posts. Is theer anyone who have a working infinite space mod for the currect build of ftl? When i try to start it using the old mod the game crashes at the start. Showing 1 - 10 of 10 comments. Yeah, I've had that exact same problem, I just been playing vanilla FTL since, but miss being able to go on and on.

I just beat the final boss. I think it might, I don't know how much code was changed if you disable Advanced Edition content, so might work, but no promises. The FTL site has been really slow recently. Good luck :D. The mod also contains some Quality of Life changes to FTL, such as a numerical hull indicator for the player and enemy. You will need to downgrade your FTL to 1.

The versions between 1. The instructions to downgrade are below. Download Newest Version 0. How did you get the source code from FTL to do this though? This assembly code can be decompiled to give very rough C code - this is NOT the original source code, this is just the decompiler's interpretation of the assembly code which is often much more difficult to understand than the original source still a lot better than trying to understand the assembly code, though.

Base v1. Patch - CE v1. Yorkshire-Man wrote: also if you are going to make some ship would you like to use some of my old mods to work off of? Only then I discovered I can't get it to work. Showing 1 - 5 of 5 comments. Helly View Profile View Posts. Does it still cost 10 fuel to travel to the next sector?

If not, it'll be due to the event in that node not loading - which would either be caused by an incorrect mod initialisation order or a corrupted mod file. Make sure all of your mods are in the modloader in the order specified on the CE page, and if it's still broken, redownload CEInfinite. CE is also incompatible with many other mods that change events, so if you have any mods that aren't specifically supported check the CE page for a list , try disabling them.

Last edited by Helly ; 21 Jun, am. Originally posted by Hellpest :. Originally posted by Trustpage :. Yeah, this is most likely mod order related.


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