Fifth edition options fantasy grounds mod download

Please log in to add or reply to comments. I'd like to think there's an errata, but there might not be. I don't see anyone else having brought it up. There are some editing issues with the NPC classes as the weapon and armor proficiencies for the expert and spell caster classes needs to be correct. I received the softcover book as a gift. Would it be possible to get the pdf at a discount price? No TOC or index? I'm really interested in this product, but those are deal breakers for me.

Any chance those could be updated and added to the PDF? That would make this an instant buy. The Class Defense Bonus chart does not include monks, what group should they be a part of? I was just looking at that as well. The entire section needs a bit of clarification in my opinion. How exactly do you calculate Unarmed Defense and masterwork type of armor, for example, that increases AC?

A combat example would be nice. Also, how do you differentiate between the different tiers in each type of armor? Why wear half plate and get disadvantage on stealth when you get the same damage reduction as hide both being medium armor.

Is there some kind of modifier for DR that gets added to the dice roll depending on the specific armory you are wearing?

John P. A lot of optional rules that I haven't looked at, since my group mainly uses it for the alternative ability score generation.

This product has a lot of pages but doesn't have a table of contents so it maybe hard to find a rule if you can' [ James B. A lot of the options are derivative of rules from older [ Raymond T.

Including what they call Dual Classing which in old edidtion up to 2nd Ed was called multi-classing , as well as spellcasters recievi [ David E. I like having access to all these new options. Would I use all of them, certainly not. Some are great, some are good, some so so, and a few I don't care for at all, but the variety is wonderful. Well worth the purchase. To start viewing messages, select the forum that you want to visit from the selection below. Jump to page:. Thread: 5E Community Modules.

April 11th, , 1. Monster a Day module. Developers - you're welcome to look at the data in these modules as examples of how to develop your own modules. If you want to use the data, please be polite and get in touch with the developer who made the module in the first place and ask permission to use their data send them a PM and post in the relevant extension thread.

Some developers may no longer be active in the community, give the dev a couple of weeks to respond and if they don't respond you have done the polite thing and should be able to use their work as long as the module doesn't specifically say you can't.

If you do use other people's work please mention them in the extension - it's only fair to give credit where credit is due. Module developers who don't want other people to use their work should say so in their module. Do not violate any copyright laws with the module data you post here. Player Support. Community Hub. This content requires one of the following products to play:. All Reviews:. Popular user-defined tags for this product:. Is this DLC relevant to you? Sign In or Open in Steam.

Languages :. Franchise: Fantasy Grounds. Share Embed. Add to Cart. View Community Hub. The emphasis is on fun though, and these feats will ensure you have a lot more to choose from.

But no more Recovery Dice Options takes the concept and runs with it. Rather than relegating Recovery Dice to the role of emergency healing, this sourcebook provides a range of optional ways for characters to use this mechanic.

These options extend this game mechanic far beyond the realm of healing, allowing them to tap into these reserves of inner strength. Does your barbarian desperately need another rage?


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