Mobile Device Manager Plus allows organizations to block apps from being downloaded on Android, iOS, and Windows devices that meet the following requirements:. Admins can block a specific app or multiple apps from being download on devices using the Mobile Device Manager Plus console. Step 1 : Navigate to Inventory and click on Apps to view a list of all the available apps. Step 2 : To block a specific app from being downloaded, select the app to be blocked on the devices and click on Blocklist App.
Step 3 : Select whether the app must be blocked on all devices or only on specific devices. Now that blocklisting has facilitated blocking a specific app or multiple apps from being downloaded on Apple, Android and Windows devices, admins can choose the action that should be performed when a blocklisted app is discovered on the device:. With Mobile Device Manager Plus, organizations can also choose to completely block app downloads and block app installations in the future, to ensure only corporate apps run on the device.
To run only selected apps and block apps on Android , iOS or Windows 10 devices, you can lock down the devices into Kiosk Mode and block apps while also restricting other device functionalities. How to block apps on Android, iOS, and Windows from being downloaded? Here's what this document covers Pre-requisites to block apps on devices Apps that can be blocklisted How to block an app from being downloaded?
She is currently writing a book, creating lots of content, and writing poetry via conpoet on Instagram. She lives in an RV full-time with her mom, Jan and dog, Jodi as they slow-travel around the country.
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